Since 2014, I have spoken about UX Portfolio design at conferences in the USA, Europe, and Asia. Please contact me if you would like me to talk or give a workshop at your event.
Sample presentation: Sharing our Stories: Designing and Reviewing UX Portfolios
Portfolio required: two words that fill UX designers with dread, regardless of their experience. We’re often experts at sharing our users stories, but find it difficult to share our own.Like them or not, UX portfolios are here to stay. They’re a vital part of the recruitment process. The right one can get you the interview – and your dream job.
- Discover how designing a UX portfolio can actually change your life
- Learn how UX portfolios differ from other design portfolios
- Understand why and how others will use your UX portfolio
- Represent your experience and value
- Learn what hiring managers and recruiters expect from a UX portfolio
- Discover how to prepare, curate and write your UX portfolio
- Overcome common constraints in telling your story
- Work within the terms of non-disclosure agreements
- Make the most of a limited work history
- Know what to look for when you conduct a portfolio review
- Understand what UX portfolios can and can’t tell you
- Decide if you should call a portfolio’s owner for interview
Sharing our Stories: Designing and Reviewing UX Portfolios (AYCL: Requires membership)